Cellular Respiration Flocabulary Answers Key | FREE Access

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Cellular Respiration Flocabulary Quiz Answers Key

Q1 Where does the process of cellular respiration mostly happen?
  1. in the mitochondria
  2. in the nucleus
  3. in the chloroplasts
  4. in the ribosomes
Q2 What is cellular respiration?
  1. the process that our cells use to convert sugar (glucose) into energy (ATP)
  2. the process that our cells use to break food down into smaller molecules (sugars)
  3. any process that makes acid
  4. the process of breathing
Q3 What happens during aerobic respiration?
  1. Oxygen is produced.
  2. Glucose is produced.
  3. Lactic acid and oxygen are produced.
  4. ATP, water and carbon dioxide are produced.
Q4 Which process provides plants with the glucose needed for cellular respiration?
  1. digestion
  2. fermentation
  3. photosynthesis
  4. breathing
Q5 Which process provides humans with the glucose needed for cellular respiration?
  1. digestion
  2. fermentation
  3. photosynthesis
  4. breathing
Q6 The energy produced by cellular respiration is stored in the
  1. ionic bonds of water.
  2. bonds between phosphates of ATP.
  3. chemical bonds of carbon dioxide.
  4. double covalent bonds of oxygen molecules.
Q7 What is ATP?
  1. the energy of moving electrons
  2. an energy-rich substance that cells need to survive
  3. an acidic substance that makes muscles cramp
  4. an organism that uses fermentation to produce energy
Q8 Aerobic respiration and photosynthesis are both
  1. ways to make glucose.
  2. processes that happen in the chloroplasts.
  3. important processes that happen in cells.
  4. products of digestion.
Q9 The process of fermentation happens
  1. whenever a plant receives direct sunlight.
  2. when there is too much glucose for aerobic respiration.
  3. whenever the muscles need more acid.
  4. when there isn’t enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.
Q10 What happens when the phosphate bonds of ATP break?
  1. Acid is neutralized.
  2. Energy is stored.
  3. Energy is released.
  4. An organism becomes sick.

Cellular Respiration Flocabulary Read & Respond Answers

Expand your knowledge by exploring the Read & Respond answers related to the topic of our Subject:

Q1 Based on the passage, which of the following might a biochemist study?
  1. the reactions that occur when acid rain hits a brick building
  2. the reactions that occur when a person digests a burger
  3. the interactions between different animals in the rainforest
  4. the different ways animals respond to being surprised
Q2 According to the passage, how are breathing and aerobic respiration similar?
  1. They both produce energy.
  2. In both, energy comes in and water is released.
  3. The lungs are responsible for both.
  4. In both, oxygen enters and carbon dioxide is released.
Q3 In the passage above, what is the purpose of the underlined sentence?
  1. to clarify a common misunderstanding about plants
  2. to further describe the qualities of plants
  3. to transition to describing the way plants get glucose
  4. to support the claim that not all organisms need nutrients
Q4 Which detail from the passage was included to clarify an earlier statement?
  1. “The chemical equation is C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6H2O + 6CO2 + energy.”
  2. “…some people call these processes complementary.”
  3. “However, this does not mean that plants use photosynthesis and animals use cellular respiration.”
  4. “Photosynthesis gives plants the glucose they need for that process.”
Q5 In the passage above, what is the meaning of the word “converted”?
  1. changed
  2. appeared
  3. destroyed
  4. hidden
Q6 How does the author of this passage show the role of mitochondria in a cell?
  1. by using statistics about how much energy is generated in mitochondria
  2. by comparing mitochondria in a cell to a power plant in a city
  3. by telling a brief story about a disease that impacts the mitochondria
  4. by explaining how mitochondria are like bacteria
Q7 Based on the passage, when might fermentation occur?
  1. after a person eats bread
  2. when carbon dioxide is absent
  3. when bread does not rise correctly and comes out flat
  4. when a person is running as fast as she can to catch a bus

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Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kellyhttps://answersmentor.com
Jennifer Kelly is an experienced educator with a passion for empowering students to achieve academic success. With over 12 years of teaching experience, Jennifer has worked with students at all levels, ranging from elementary to high school. Her dedication to helping students excel in their studies led her to create the educational blog Answer Mentor.


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