Evolution Flocabulary Quiz, Read & Respond Answers | FREE Access

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Evolution Flocabulary Quiz Answers Key

Q1 The British naturalist Charles Darwin developed a theory after observing species in the Galapagos Islands. What is the name of this theory?
  1. Theory of Gravity
  2. Theory of Relativity
  3. Pythagorean Theorem
  4. Theory of Evolution
Q2 Natural selection means
  1. individuals that fit best into their environment survive to pass on their genes while individuals that are less fit die out.
  2. Scientists can changes the genes of an animal with genetic engineering.
  3. Parents can select which traits they pass to their offspring.
  4. Mutations in DNA do not happen in nature.
Q3A mutation
  1. is a person or an animal randomly selected from the population.
  2. is a random change in a cell’s DNA.
  3. always occurs when the male’s sperm joins the female’s egg.
  4. is produced by mating two different species.
Q4 Severe or sudden changes in Earth’s atmosphere can cause entire species of animals to die. When all of the members of species die out, it is called
  1. mutation.
  2. natural selection.
  3. extinction.
  4. revision.
Q5 New forms of drug-resistant bacteria can evolve quickly because
  1. when a drug kills most of the bacteria, the ones left to breed are those that have a natural resistance to the drug.
  2. when scientists genetically engineer bacteria they use natural selection.
  3. scientists use extinction to selectively breed bacteria.
  4. a drug causes mutations in the bacteria, leaving only mutated bacteria left to breed.
Q6 Evolution explains how Earth’s present-day species developed from earlier species through
  1. genetic engineering.
  2. mass extinctions.
  3. natural selection.
  4. asexual reproduction.
Q7 Genes are strands of ________ found on chromosomes in the nucleus of a living cell.
  1. mutations
  2. DNA
  3. minerals
  4. cells
Q8 A species has a better chance of surviving if it has greater variation in its
  1. mutations.
  2. golgi bodies.
  3. mitochondria.
  4. genes.
Q9 All of the following provide evidence for evolution except:
  1. fossils
  2. vestigial organs
  3. the similarity of human DNA to other organisms’ DNA
  4. sexual reproduction
Q10 What increases the chances that a trait will be passed on to offspring?
  1. if the trait is vestigial
  2. if the trait helps the organism compete for resources
  3. if the trait comes from a mutation
  4. if the trait is the production of a new protein

Evolution Flocabulary Read & Respond Answers

Expand your knowledge by exploring the Read & Respond answers related to the topic of our Subject:

Q1 Which of these would provide the best evidence for the theory of evolution?
  1. fossils of ancient tigers that had larger ears than tigers have today
  2. oil found deep under the ice sheets of Antarctica
  3. a person’s hair growing faster in the summer than it does in winter
  4. ancient maps that show that countries had different borders long ago
Q2 Which of the following is an example of natural selection?
  1. Over time, the Earth’s crust started to solidify about one-billion years after the planet was formed.
  2. Over time, a species of cricket became green because green crickets were better able to hide among the leaves.
  3. In the winter, as food becomes more scarce, some species of birds fly to new habitats in the south.
  4. In June, the Northern Hemisphere gets more direct sunlight due to the tilt of Earth’s axis as it revolves around the sun.
Q3 How do vestigial organs provide evidence for the theory of evolution?
  1. Vestigial organs show differences between our DNA and the DNA of amoebas.
  2. Vestigial organs show traits that a species once needed to have to perform certain tasks.
  3. Vestigial organs show the variation in genes that can exist within one species.
  4. Vestigial organs show how many cells organisms of a species once had.
Q4 An organism with a mutated cell
  1. most likely won’t pass its mutation down to offspring.
  2. decreases the amount of genetic variation.
  3. “However, this does not mean that plants use photosynthesis and animals use cellular respiration.”
  4. likely developed in order to help a species survive and grow.
Q5 Which of the following is a false statement?
  1. Some deserts we know today once had rivers and lakes.
  2. Mass extinctions may have been caused by meteors.
  3. Very few species have ever gone extinct.
  4. Sometimes, species evolve to be more complex.

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Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kellyhttps://answersmentor.com
Jennifer Kelly is an experienced educator with a passion for empowering students to achieve academic success. With over 12 years of teaching experience, Jennifer has worked with students at all levels, ranging from elementary to high school. Her dedication to helping students excel in their studies led her to create the educational blog Answer Mentor.


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