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Flocabulary Adaptation Quiz Answers Key

Q1 True or False: Plants don’t have brains, but they still adapt to their environments.
  1. True
  2. False
Q2 Why do plants and animals adapt to their environment?
  1. to become better at getting food
  2. to protect themselves against other animals
  3. to become better able to survive in their surroundings
  4. all of the above
Q3 What is the main way that being camouflaged helps an animal?
  1. It helps them store more food and water.
  2. It helps them blend into their environment so other animals can’t attack them.
  3. It helps keeps them cool in a hot climate.
  4. It makes them look dangerous to other animals.
Q4 Which of the following is an adaptation that helps protect the animal?
  1. Cows have incisors.
  2. Cactuses have thick stems.
  3. A porcupine has sharp quills.
  4. Hummingbirds have long, skinny beaks.
Q5 How have cactuses adapted to the fact that it almost never rains in the desert?
  1. They’re covered in spikes.
  2. They have thick, pleated stems.
  3. They have big, waxy leaves.
  4. They’re camouflaged.
Q6 Why have lions adapted to have sharper teeth than cows?
  1. Lions need to blend in with their surroundings, but cows don’t.
  2. Lions need to crush bones, but cows eat meat.
  3. Lions are herbivores, but cows are carnivores.
  4. Lions need to tear into meat, but cows eat grass.
Q7 Which of the following images does not show camouflage?
  1. chameleon
  2. cow
  3. insect branch
  4. squirrel Tree
Q8 Which of the following is an adaptation that helps the animal eat?
  1. Squirrels are the colors of the trees they live in.
  2. Pelicans have big beaks.
  3. Cactuses are covered in spikes.
  4. Rainforest plants have waxy leaves.
Q9 How have flounder adapted to avoid being seen on the ocean floor?
  1. They change color to match their environment.
  2. They have venomous spines.
  3. They have sharp pincers.
  4. They’re flat.
Q10 Why have rainforest plants adapted to be a different shape and size than desert plants?
  1. because rainforest plants are only raised in zoos
  2. because in a rainforest environment, adaptation can happen overnight
  3. because rainforest plants and desert plants need to store the same amount of water
  4. because the rainforest environment is different than the desert environment

Flocabulary Adaptation Read & Respond Answers

Expand your knowledge by exploring the Read & Respond answers related to the topic of our Subject:

Q1 Which of the following is an example of adaptation?
  1. penguins growing beaks and wings overnight
  2. birds eating breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday
  3. polar bears’ fur turning white over many years
  4. dogs getting sent to the groomer to be washed
Q2 Which of the following is true about plants?
  1. Some plants can “feel” and respond to things in the world.
  2. Venus flytraps are the only plants to have brains.
  3. All plants have the same nervous systems as humans.
  4. Plants always shake and move after their leaves are touched.
Q3 A saguaro cactus will
  1. store water in its pleats.
  2. shoot spikes at animals.
  3. only live up to 70 years.
  4. grow branches immediately.
Q4 Which of these best describes another plant adaptation?
  1. A plant is the same color as a grasshopper, helping the grasshopper blend in.
  2. A species of butterfly lays its eggs on the leaves of a particular tree.
  3. A plant dies if it doesn’t get enough water.
  4. A plant gives off a smell that attracts nearby insects, which it then eats.
Q5 What would most likely happen if traditional herbivores, like cows, began eating meat instead of grass?
  1. Humans would have to stop eating cows and start eating wolves.
  2. Over hundreds of thousands of years, cows would develop canine teeth and large molars.
  3. Cows would immediately become better suited to survive in their current environments.
  4. Over hundreds of thousands of years, wolves would start eating only plants, no meat.
Q6 Which of the following is an example of an adaptation for protection?
  1. woodpeckers with feet to perch on bark
  2. cactuses with water storage sacks
  3. an insect that looks like a twig
  4. none of the above

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Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kellyhttps://answersmentor.com
Jennifer Kelly is an experienced educator with a passion for empowering students to achieve academic success. With over 12 years of teaching experience, Jennifer has worked with students at all levels, ranging from elementary to high school. Her dedication to helping students excel in their studies led her to create the educational blog Answer Mentor.


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