Flocabulary All Subjects Answers Key

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Scientific Practices

What Is Science?

Q1: What is an experiment?
Ans: A way to test an idea

Q2: Which of these is a scientific hypothesis about the growth of a plant?
Ans: This plant will grow best in sunlight.

Q3: What is the data of an experiment?
Ans: Information you learn in the experiment

Q4: What is the firststep in the scientific method?
Ans: Make observations and ask a question.

Q5: What is the variable in an experiment?
Ans: the thing you want to test

Q6: What is the variable in an experiment?
Ans: A hypothesis

Q7: Suppose you run an experiment to test whether more or less water helps a plant grow. Which of these would you do in your experiment?
Ans: Water one plant more, the other less.

Q8: Suppose you do an experiment about the growth of plants. Which one of these might be part of your data?
Ans: Measurements of the plant’s height

Q9: What is the 5th and final step of the scientific method?
Ans: Write a report to share your results.

Q10: What is an important thing that all scientists do?
Ans: ask questions

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Marie Curie & Determination

Q1: Where was Marie Curie born?
Ans: Warsaw

Q2: Where did Curie study in Paris?
Ans: Sorbonne University

Q3: Curie earned a doctorate degree in
Ans: chemistry.

Q4: Why did Curie change her first name from Maria to Marie?
Ans: to sound more French

Q5: What science term did Curie invent?
Ans: radioactivity

Q6: How many Nobel Prizes did Curie win?
Ans: two

Q7: Which of these elements was not found by Curie to be radioactive?
Ans: scandium

Q8: True or False: Curie was the Sorbonne’s first female professor.
Ans: True

Q9: How did Curie help soldiers during World War I?
Ans: by providing x-rays on the field

Q10: What was the cause of Marie Curie’s death?
Ans: radiation exposure

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Scientific Tools

Q1: Which tool helps you observe something very small?
Ans: a microscope

Q2: Which of the following tools is not used for measurement?
Ans: a flask

Q3: A test tube can be used to hold
Ans: smaller amounts of chemicals than a beaker holds.

Q4: A triple beam balance measures the ______ of an object in ______.
Ans: mass, grams

Q5: Paulina is heating a test tube in a lab. Which tool is she most likely using?
Ans: a Bunsen burner

Q6: When her lab partner takes out a graduated cylinder to pour a specific amount of liquid, Jocelyn reminds her to be careful for the curve at the top of the liquid. This curve is also known as the
Ans: meniscus.

Q7: Darren is using tongs to carefully lift and move a beaker. What most likely happened before Darren moved the beaker?
Ans: The beaker was heated.

Q8: Shawn is mixing a solution in the science lab. To stir it, he should
Ans: use a stirring rod.

Q9: Which of the following tools would a scientist use to determine the temperature of a solution?
Ans: a thermometer

Q10: Which of the following tools would a biologists use to grow bacteria?
Ans: a Petri dish

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Scientific Inquiry

Q1: Which of the following describes a scientific process?
Ans: Pedro plants a sapling in his front yard. He observes and measures it each day. Using his observations, he hypothesizes that the leaves grow most in the spring.

Q2: On which of the following could a scientific claim be based?
Ans: experiments and studies

Q3: Sandra claims that invisible fairies live above the clouds where no one can see, hear or feel them. Which of the following is true?
Ans: Sandra’s claim is not scientific because it is not testable.

Q4: Which of the following describes empirical evidence?
Ans: dogs have two eyes and two ears

Q5: Which of the following describes a scientific law?
Ans: Any two objects in the universe attract each other with a force called gravity.

Q6: A scientific theory is a
Ans: well-tested explanation for a wide range of observations or experimental results.

Q7: Which of the following would be a scientific theory?
Ans: an explanation of why global temperatures are rising

Q8: Which of the following describes the relationship between scientific theories and scientific laws?
Ans: A law can describe a phenomenon, and a theory can give a possible explanation for it.

Q9: True or false: scientific theories and models cannot be modified.
Ans: False

Q10: Which of the following is an example of pseudoscience?
Ans: A claim that pretends to be scientific but has not actually been tested

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Scientific Method

Q1: Galileo was an Italian scientist who helped to develop the
Ans: scientific method.

Q2: The scientific method is a(n)
Ans: series of steps scientists use to answer questions and investigate problems.

Q3: A hypothesis is a(n)
Ans: tentative explanation for an observation.

Q4: In a controlled experiment, scientists investigate a single
Ans: variable.

Q5: In a double-blind test, the non-control group receives a
Ans: new medicine.

Q6: Why is a placebo used in double-blind drug test?
Ans: so that the subjects and the scientists do not know which group is the control group

Q7: The fake pill or medicine taken by members of a control group is a
Ans: placebo.

Q8: What must occur for a hypothesis to be considered fully proven?
Ans: Other scientists must repeat the experiment and get the same results.

Q9: What is the first step in the scientific method?
Ans: asking a question

Q10: What form do we use to write hypotheses?
Ans: if-then

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Biology & Life Science

Human Body Systems

Q1: The ________ and ________ are the main systems that move fluid throughout the body.
Ans: circulatory system, lymphatic system

Q2: Which system’s main purpose is to allow organisms to create more organisms?
Ans: reproductive system

Q3: Homeostasis is ________.
Ans: the tendency of the body to maintain inner balance despite changes in external conditions

Q4: Which of the following systems helps get rid of some kind of waste?
Ans: all of the above

Q5: Which of the following systems would produce a hormone that causes bones to grow?
Ans: endocrine system

Q6: Why is the digestive system important?
Ans: It changes food into molecules that cells can use for energy, growth and healing.

Q7: Which of the following is not a main function of the skeletal system?
Ans: helping you breathe

Q8: Which of the following are parts of the circulatory system?
Ans: blood, blood vessels, heart

Q9: James got sick with an infection called bronchitis. He coughed a lot and had trouble breathing. After a week, James started to feel better and could breathe more easily. James’ ________ system was most harmed by the bronchitis, and his ________ system helped him recover.
Ans: respiratory, immune

Q10: Elsie is playing basketball and decides that she wants to make a shot. She dribbles, stops and shoots the ball. Which are the three main body systems that allowed her to do this?
Ans: skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system

Human Body Systems Read & Respond Answers

Inherited & Acquired Traits

Q1: Which of the following describes an inherited trait?
Ans: Bears have thick shaggy fur.

Q2: Charlie’s nose looks just like his grandfather’s nose. This is an example of
Ans: heredity.

Q3: The language you speak, how you wear your hair and what music you like to listen to are all examples of
Ans: acquired traits.

Q4: Why is a person’s height something that is both inherited and acquired?
Ans: A person’s potential height is inherited, but they might not get enough nutrition to reach it.

Q5: Some of Minerva’s ________ are that she is 5’2, speaks English and Spanish, has brown hair and green eyes and wants to be a filmmaker when she grows up.
Ans: traits

Q6: “Nature vs. nurture” is a debate about
Ans: whether a trait is learned or inherited.

Q7: A characteristic of elephants is that they
Ans: all of the above

Q8: True or False: Bald eagles have white heads, which is an inherited trait.
Ans: True

Q9: Which of the following is an example of a “nature vs. nurture” question?
Ans: Is Samantha’s sense of humor inherited, or did she learn it?

Q10: Which of the following statements is true?
Ans: Your inherited traits don’t change, but your acquired traits can change over your lifetime.

Inherited & Acquired Traits Read & Respond Answers


Q1: Which of these do all vertebrates have?
Ans: a backbone

Q2: Snakes, crocodiles and turtles are examples of
Ans: reptiles.

Q3: An animal that is born in the water and then grows lungs is most likely a(n)
Ans: amphibian.

Q4: Fish and reptiles share which of these traits?
Ans: They are cold-blooded.

Q5: An animal might be a mammal if it
Ans: has fur or hair.

Q6: Which of these lists contains only mammals?
Ans: platypus, cow, human

Q7: Birds have which of these traits?
Ans: They have wings.

Q8: True or False: There are about the same number of vertebrate species as invertebrates.
Ans: False

Q9: A cold-blooded animal is unable to
Ans: cool itself when the environment is hot.

Q10: Which two groups of vertebrates are warm-blooded?
Ans: mammals and birds

Vertebrates Read & Respond Answers

Vertebrates: Amphibians

Q1: In Greek, “amphibios” means ________.
Ans: “living a double life”

Q2: Amphibians are ectothermic. This means they ________.
Ans: are cold-blooded

Q3: Amphibians tend to live in ________ environments.
Ans: moist

Q4: Which of the following amphibians has a tail?
Ans: Salamander

Q5: True or False: All amphibians have legs.
Ans: False

Q6: Frogs have hind legs that are perfect for ________.
Ans: leaping

Q7: The life cycle of many amphibians has three stages: egg, ________, and adult.
Ans: larva

Q8: When a frog egg hatches, a(n) ________ is born.
Ans: tadpole

Q9: A frog grows ________ and legs when it becomes an adult.
Ans: lungs

Q10: True or False: Adult frogs spend more time living on land than they do swimming in water.
Ans: True

Vertebrates: Amphibians Read & Respond Answers

Vertebrates: Reptile

Q1: A vertebrate is an animal that has ________.
Ans: a backbone

Q2: Which of the following is NOT a reptile?
Ans: Panther

Q3: Most reptiles are found in ________ climates.
Ans: warm

Q4: Reptiles breathe air using their ________.
Ans: lungs

Q5: True or False: All reptiles have legs.
Ans: False

Q6: Reptile skin is often covered in ________.
Ans: scales

Q7: How do reptiles regulate their body temperature?
Ans: They use external sources like shade and sunlight.

Q8: Which type of reptile has an unhinged jaw that allows it to swallow prey whole?
Ans: Python

Q9: True or False: Most reptiles lay eggs to reproduce.
Ans: True

Q10: Reptiles share ________ with birds.
Ans: ancestors

Vertebrates: Reptile Read & Respond Answers

Chemistry, Physics, & Astronomy | Physical Science


Q1: A force can ________.
Ans: all of the above

Q2: True or False: An object resting on the ground can move without a force.
Ans: False

Q3: When you push or pull something, you are creating ________.
Ans: a force

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Technology & Engineering

José Hernández

Q1: Where was José Hernández born?
Ans: California

Q2: Hernández’s parents were ________ farm workers.
Ans: migrant

Q3: True or False: Hernández grew up splitting time between California and Mexico.
Ans: True

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