Flocabulary Ecosystems Quiz Answers | FREE Access

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Flocabulary Ecosystems Quiz Answers Key

Q1 What is the correct order for this food chain?
  1. grass, lion, bacteria
  2. antelope, lion, grass
  3. antelope, bacteria, grass
  4. grass, antelope, lion
Q2 Which shows the correct path of how energy flows in a food chain?
  1. producer, consumer, predator, decomposer
  2. symbiosis, producer, prey, decomposer
  3. consumer, predator, carnivore, herbivore
  4. niche, consumer, decomposer, chlorophyll
Q3 Which event might disrupt a stable ecosystem?
  1. Green plants use chlorophyll to produce food.
  2. An invasive species enters the environment.
  3. Consumers eat producers.
  4. Predators kill prey.
Q4 The relationship between a carnivore and an herbivore can be stated as
  1. parasite and host
  2. predator and prey
  3. prey and predator
  4. scavenger and parasite
Q5 Which is an example of a parasite and host relationship?
  1. a chlorophyll and a green plant
  2. a wolf and a rabbit
  3. a tapeworm and a human
  4. sunlight and green plants
Q6 An ecosystem is defined as
  1. a group of organisms and the habitat they share.
  2. the food chain in an area.
  3. a predator and prey relationship.
  4. the creation of carbohydrates by green plants.
Q7 Carrying capacity is
  1. anything that limits how many organisms can live in an ecosystem.
  2. how green plants make carbohydrates.
  3. the process of respiration.
  4. the number of organisms an ecosystem can support.
Q8 Photosynthesis is a process that
  1. green plants use to produce food.
  2. animals use to breathe.
  3. predators use to catch their prey.
  4. illustrates symbiosis.
Q9 What is a scavenger?
  1. an organism that lives in or on another organism
  2. an organism that feeds on dead matter
  3. an organism that produces food from the energy in sunlight
  4. organisms that eat plants and grasses
Q10 What do decomposers leave behind after getting their energy?
  1. chlorophyll and vitamins
  2. carbon dioxide and water molecules
  3. elements like carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus
  4. energy-rich carbohydrates

Flocabulary Ecosystems Read & Respond Answers

Expand your knowledge by exploring the Read & Respond answers related to the topic of our Subject:

Q1 In the food chain described above, what are the producers?
  1. the antelope that eat the grass
  2. the scavengers that eat the dead lion
  3. the grasses the antelope eat
  4. the lions that eat the antelope
Q2 In a symbiotic relationship,
  1. one organism benefits while its host gets nothing in return.
  2. bacteria takes food from your stomach, but does nothing for you.
  3. both organisms involved benefit or are neutrally affected.
  4. your body produces vitamins and then uses them for nutrition.
Q3 Which of the following is an example of decomposers at work?
  1. a fish eating dead seaweed floating in the water
  2. a vulture picking apart a dead mouse in the woods
  3. a squirrel gnawing at a dead bird on the ground
  4. a fungus growing on a rotten tomato, breaking down its skin
Q4 Which of the following is an example of an omnivore?
  1. an herb like basil, which gets energy from the sun
  2. a dog, which eats meat and vegetables
  3. a dinosaur that only eats marsh grasses
  4. a buzzard that only eats roadkill
Q5 Which of the following is a result of a limiting factor in an ecosystem?
  1. A pond has only produced a small amount of algae, so the fish population is also small.
  2. The weather was extra humid last summer and there were more mosquitos than ever before.
  3. A farmer planted new grass and months later his animals looked healthier than they’ve looked in years.
  4. This year, ticks are supposed to be worse than in previous years, with a huge number of them carrying Lyme Disease.

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Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kellyhttps://answersmentor.com
Jennifer Kelly is an experienced educator with a passion for empowering students to achieve academic success. With over 12 years of teaching experience, Jennifer has worked with students at all levels, ranging from elementary to high school. Her dedication to helping students excel in their studies led her to create the educational blog Answer Mentor.


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