Force Flocabulary Quiz, Read & Respond Answers Key

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Note All correct answers are Marked Green color for easy identification.

Force Flocabulary Quiz Answers Key

Q1 A force can ________.
  1. make an object move
  2. make a moving object stop moving
  3. slow an object down
  4. all of the above
Q2 True or False: An object resting on the ground can move without a force.
  1. True
  2. False
Q3 When you push or pull something, you are creating ________.
  1. a weight
  2. a speed
  3. a force
  4. a surface
Q4 What is friction?
  1. a force that slows an object down
  2. a force that speeds an object up
  3. a force that makes an object start moving
  4. a force that can move very heavy objects
Q5 If you want a surface to have less friction, make it ________.
  1. wider
  2. rougher
  3. smoother
  4. thinner
Q6 Which of the following would it take the most force to move?
  1. a 3-pound ball
  2. a 5-pound ball
  3. a 15-pound ball
  4. a 25-pound ball
Q7 Imagine you kick four balls with the same amount of force. Which one will go the farthest?
  1. a 3-pound ball
  2. a 5-pound ball
  3. a 15-pound ball
  4. a 25-pound ball
Q8 Which of the following would be the easiest to move?
  1. a 5-pound ball on grass
  2. a 5-pound ball on ice
  3. a 10-pound ball on grass
  4. a 10-pound ball on ice
Q9 Which of the following requires force to move?
  1. a book
  2. a rock
  3. an elephant
  4. all of the above
Q10 Which of the following people is the least affected by friction?
  1. a person trying to slide a box across grass
  2. a person trying to slide a box across sand
  3. a person trying to slide a box across ice
  4. a person trying to slide a box across concrete

Force Flocabulary Read & Respond Answers

Expand your knowledge by exploring the Read & Respond answers related to the topic of our Subject:

Q1 What causes objects to move?
  1. weight
  2. speed
  3. force
  4. friction
Q2 If you add weight to an object, it will ________ to move it.
  1. need only friction
  2. not need any force
  3. be impossible
  4. need more force
Q3 What causes friction?
  1. something traveling through the air
  2. surfaces rubbing against each other
  3. a surface being cut in half
  4. an object standing still
Q4 In which of these situations is there the most friction?
  1. A mover drags a couch over cracked sidewalk.
  2. An ice skater glides across the ice on skates.
  3. A bowler rolls a round ball down a smooth, wooden lane.
  4. A rower pulls a boat over the water to shore.
Q5Which of these is an effect of gravity?
  1. A cup placed on a table won’t float away.
  2. You can throw a ball or a rock up.
  3. The brakes on a bike can make it stop.
  4. Liquid water can become a gas.

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Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kelly is an experienced educator with a passion for empowering students to achieve academic success. With over 12 years of teaching experience, Jennifer has worked with students at all levels, ranging from elementary to high school. Her dedication to helping students excel in their studies led her to create the educational blog Answer Mentor.


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