Gravity Flocabulary Quiz, Read & Respond Answers | FREE Access

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Gravity Electricity Flocabulary Quiz Answers Key

Q1 What two things does gravity depend on?
  1. distance and speed
  2. distance and space
  3. mass and distance
  4. mass and speed
Q2 What does the force of gravity do to objects?
  1. It makes them float.
  2. It makes them jump.
  3. It pulls them together.
  4. It pushes them apart.
Q3 How does gravity on Earth compare to gravity on the moon?
  1. It is the same.
  2. There is more gravity on Earth.
  3. There is more gravity on the moon.
Q4 Sir Isaac Newton came up with a theory about ________ in 1687.
  1. the sun
  2. tides
  3. spaceships
  4. gravity
Q5 What does the word mass mean?
  1. the amount of matter in something
  2. the speed an object falls
  3. how high a person can jump
  4. how far an object can be thrown
Q6 True or False: Objects that have more mass also have more gravity.
  1. True
  2. False
Q7 Why would it be harder to jump on the planet Jupiter than on Earth?
  1. Jupiter has less mass than Earth.
  2. The gravity on Jupiter is stronger than on Earth.
  3. Jupiter is lighter than Earth.
  4. Jupiter has fewer moons than Earth.
Q8 Which of the following is NOT a true statement?
  1. The sun’s gravity keeps the Earth spinning around it.
  2. The moon’s gravity pulls on the Earth’s ocean.
  3. Earth’s gravity keeps the moon close to it.
  4. Earth’s gravity keeps all the planets spinning around the sun.
Q9 Based on the picture, would Man A or Man B have more gravity?Mass-Gravity
  1. Man A
  2. Man B
Q10 Imagine you throw a baseball on Earth. Then, you travel to a planet with less gravity than Earth and throw the same baseball there. Which of the following would be true?
  1. The baseball would go farther on Earth.
  2. The baseball would go farther on the other planet.
  3. The baseball would go the same distance on Earth and the other planet.

Gravity Electricity Flocabulary Read & Respond Answers

Expand your knowledge by exploring the Read & Respond answers related to the topic of our Subject:

Q1 Gravity is responsible for
  1. keeping everything grounded on Earth.
  2. making tall skyscrapers safe.
  3. planes not being able to fly into space.
  4. showing us the stars on a dark night.
Q2 Which of the following best describes how the moon and Earth affect one another?
  1. The moon’s gravity keeps Earth in place, and the Earth’s gravity affects the tides on the moon.
  2. The moon’s gravity keeps the Earth close by, and the Earth’s gravity changes the moon’s orbit.
  3. The moon’s gravity creates tides on Earth, and the Earth’s gravity keeps the moon in place.
  4. The moon’s gravity creates earthquakes, and the Earth’s gravity creates moonquakes.
Q3 Which of the following best describes the relationship between Jupiter and Earth?
  1. Jupiter and Earth share the same moon.
  2. The Earth has more mass than Jupiter.
  3. Both Jupiter and Earth are home to humans.
  4. Jupiter has stronger gravity than Earth.
Q4 Of these objects, which has the strongest force of gravity?
  1. Neptune
  2. a skyscraper
  3. the sun
  4. an airplane
Q5 How much gravity a thing has depends on
  1. weight and time
  2. temperature and distance
  3. mass and speed
  4. mass and distance
Q6If you were to throw a basketball on a planet with ________ mass than Earth, the ball would travel a(n) ________ distance.
  1. less, longer
  2. less, shorter
  3. more, longer
  4. more, equal

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Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kelly is an experienced educator with a passion for empowering students to achieve academic success. With over 12 years of teaching experience, Jennifer has worked with students at all levels, ranging from elementary to high school. Her dedication to helping students excel in their studies led her to create the educational blog Answer Mentor.


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