Inherited & Acquired Traits Flocabulary Answers | FREE Access

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Inherited & Acquired Traits Flocabulary Quiz Answers Key

Q1 Which of the following describes an inherited trait?
  1. Bears have thick shaggy fur.
  2. Bears learn where the best berries grow.
  3. Baby bears figure out how to climb trees quickly.
  4. This bear is wet because he’s been catching salmon.
Q2 Charlie’s nose looks just like his grandfather’s nose. This is an example of
  1. nurture.
  2. heredity.
  3. environment.
  4. learned behavior.
Q3 The language you speak, how you wear your hair and what music you like to listen to are all examples of
  1. DNA.
  2. heredity.
  3. acquired traits.
  4. inherited traits.
Q4 Why is a person’s height something that is both inherited and acquired?
  1. A person’s height is determined completely by DNA.
  2. Height is neither in a person’s DNA nor affected by the environment.
  3. Height is determined completely by what environment a person lives in.
  4. A person’s potential height is inherited, but they might not get enough nutrition to reach it.
Q5 Some of Minerva’s ________ are that she is 5’2, speaks English and Spanish, has brown hair and green eyes and wants to be a filmmaker when she grows up.
  1. traits
  2. DNA
  3. genes
  4. heredity
Q6 “Nature vs. nurture” is a debate about
  1. whether a trait is learned or inherited.
  2. the traits of plants vs. the traits of animals.
  3. whether animals can teach humans new traits.
  4. whether a trait was acquired outdoors or indoors.
Q7 A characteristic of elephants is that they
  1. have large ears.
  2. have very good memories.
  3. make trumpeting sounds when upset.
  4. all of the above
Q8 True or False: Bald eagles have white heads, which is an inherited trait.
  1. True
  2. False
Q9 Which of the following is an example of a “nature vs. nurture” question?
  1. What is Samantha’s favorite TV show?
  2. When did Samantha get that sun burn?
  3. Which parent did Samantha inherit her hair color from?
  4. Is Samantha’s sense of humor inherited, or did she learn it?
Q10 Which of the following statements is true?
  1. You get new acquired traits all your life, but once you acquire them they never change.
  2. You are born with inherited traits, but they change over your lifetime as you learn new things.
  3. Your inherited traits don’t change, but your acquired traits can change over your lifetime.
  4. Both your inherited and acquired traits are unchangeable from the moment you’re born

Inherited & Acquired Traits Flocabulary Read & Respond Answers

Expand your knowledge by exploring the Read & Respond answers related to the topic of our Subject:

Q1 Which of the following is an example of a trait?
  1. Goldfinches are yellow with black and white wings.
  2. Sharks have multiple rows of teeth.
  3. Marco has brown eyes.
  4. all of the above
Q2 Where do inherited traits come from?
  1. what a person learns in school
  2. a person’s biological parents
  3. a person’s environment
  4. a person’s friends
Q3 Which of the following describes a person’s acquired trait(s)?
  1. Drea has curly hair.
  2. Damien has red hair and blue eyes.
  3. Cerise has long arms and small hands.
  4. Nicolle has strong legs from running every day.
Q4 When scientists talk about something’s nature, they are talking about its
  1. nurture.
  2. acquired traits.
  3. inherited traits.
  4. combined inherited and acquired traits.

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Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kelly is an experienced educator with a passion for empowering students to achieve academic success. With over 12 years of teaching experience, Jennifer has worked with students at all levels, ranging from elementary to high school. Her dedication to helping students excel in their studies led her to create the educational blog Answer Mentor.


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