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Note All correct answers are Marked Green color for easy identification.

Magnets Flocabulary Quiz Answers Key

Q1 Which of the following is true of all magnets?
  1. They are man-made.
  2. They are made of iron.
  3. They have two poles and a magnetic field.
  4. They are magnetic only when an electric charge goes through them.
Q2 If you have two magnets and you try to put the two north poles together, what will most likely happen?
  1. The two poles will not touch each other because of magnetic repulsion.
  2. The magnets will stick together because of magnetic attraction.
  3. The two poles will touch but not stick together.
  4. The magnets will lose their magnetism.
Q3 Which of the following objects has polarity?
  1. the Earth, which has magnetic north and south poles
  2. the city of Chicago, which has a North and South side
  3. a map of the country, which has a compass pointing north
  4. an unmagnetized block of metal, which has a top and a bottom
Q4 A magnetic field is
  1. something used to demagnetize pieces of metal.
  2. the area in which a magnet exerts magnetic force.
  3. an open area where you are likely to find natural magnets.
  4. an electric charge that can be sent through a wire to make it magnetic.
Q5 True or False: Man-made magnets always retain their magnetism.
  1. True
  2. False
Q6 Which of the following works because of the Earth’s magnetism?
  1. a compass
  2. a maglev train
  3. an electric lock
  4. a computer chip
Q7 Magnetic attraction is a property that makes two magnets stick together. It occurs when
  1. a magnet is near a nonmagnetic object.
  2. two magnets’ south poles are near each other.
  3. opposite poles of two magnets are near each other.
  4. a natural magnet and a man-made magnet are near each other.
Q8 Magnets are a mystery to scientists because scientists
  1. don’t know how to tell the north pole from the south pole.
  2. can’t tell how much magnetic force a magnet has.
  3. don’t know why magnets have magnetic force.
  4. don’t know why the Earth has magnetism.
Q9 Each of the following is an example of how magnets are used except
  1. storing information on computer hard drives
  2. sticking photos on the refrigerator
  3. making high speed trains levitate
  4. locking padlocks with metal keys
Q10 The ancient Greeks found some metallic rocks that attracted other metallic objects. They called them lodestones. A lodestone is an example of
  1. a north pole
  2. a natural magnet
  3. a man-made magnet
  4. a non-metallic magnet

Magnets Flocabulary Read & Respond Answers

Expand your knowledge by exploring the Read & Respond answers related to the topic of our Subject:

Q1 Which of these examples involves the strongest magnetic force?
  1. a compass needle that points to the Earth’s magnetic pole but does not itself attract other objects
  2. a freezer door that uses magnets to stay shut, but can easily be opened
  3. a refrigerator magnet that can hold up one but not two pieces of paper
  4. a junkyard crane that uses magnets to pick up whole cars
Q2 Half of magnet 1 is blue, and half is green, but the poles are not marked. On magnet 2, the north and south poles are marked. If the blue side of magnet 1 is attracted to the north pole of magnet 2, what is true about magnet 1?
  1. Magnet 1 has neither a north or south pole.
  2. The blue side is the north pole of magnet 1.
  3. The blue side is the south pole of magnet 1.
  4. The green side is the south pole of magnet 1.
Q3 What kind of magnet is used in the hotel room door?
  1. a natural magnet
  2. an electromagnet
  3. a permanent magnet
  4. a ferromagnetic metal
Q4 A compass can best help you
  1. travel very quickly.
  2. reduce the force of friction.
  3. hold heavy things together.
  4. find which direction is north.

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Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kelly is an experienced educator with a passion for empowering students to achieve academic success. With over 12 years of teaching experience, Jennifer has worked with students at all levels, ranging from elementary to high school. Her dedication to helping students excel in their studies led her to create the educational blog Answer Mentor.


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