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Sound Flocabulary Quiz Answers Key

Q1 Which of the following would not produce a sound?
  1. humming a Flocabulary song in the hallway
  2. plucking a guitar string underwater
  3. knocking a fist against a wooden wall
  4. snapping your fingers where there is no matter, like in deep space
Q2 How can humans perceive sound?
  1. They can only hear it.
  2. They can only hear and see it.
  3. They can hear it, and might also see and feel it .
  4. Humans cannot perceive sound.
Q3 CJ puts a ruler on the edge of a table, so that a few inches hang off. He hits the ruler and hears a noise. What else does CJ observe?
  1. The noise starts out low pitched and becomes high pitched.
  2. The part of the ruler he hit is moving back and forth.
  3. The part of the ruler he hit is completely still.
  4. The noise starts out soft but becomes louder.
Q4 How does sound energy travel?
  1. Sound energy travels in waves that need a solid, liquid or gas to carry them.
  2. Sound energy travels in waves that can move through the vacuum of empty space.
  3. Sound energy travels in a straight line in one direction.
  4. Sound energy travels in a straight line that switches directions periodically.
Q5 What is a wave’s frequency?
  1. the width of a wave
  2. the rate at which a wave occurs
  3. the height of a wave
  4. the lowest point of a wave
Q6 A sound wave that occurs at a quick rate and has a high frequency would produce
  1. a loud sound.
  2. a low-pitched sound.
  3. a high-pitched sound.
  4. a soft sound.
Q7 Which of the following is a measurement of a wave’s amplitude?
  1. the distance to the highest point of a wave
  2. the distance between waves
  3. the distance from which a sound can be detected
  4. the distance across the widest point of a wave
Q8 A sound wave that has a very short amplitude would produce
  1. a loud sound.
  2. a low-pitched sound.
  3. a high-pitched sound.
  4. a soft sound.
Q9 While hiking a mountain, Gwen called out, “Yoohoo!” She then heard her own voice say, “Yoohoo. Yoohoo. Yoohoo.” What happened?
  1. The sound was completely absorbed by the mountain.
  2. The sound reflected back to Gwen as an echo.
  3. The sound was completely carried through the mountain away from Gwen.
  4. The sound didn’t travel as a wave at all.
Q10 Light is a form of energy that travels in a wave. It does not need any material to carry its energy. Humans can see the range of light in the visible light spectrum. Based on this description, how is sound different from light?
  1. Sound does not travel in a wave.
  2. Sound is not a form of energy.
  3. Sound needs a material to carry its energy.
  4. Sound cannot be perceived by humans.

Sound Flocabulary Read & Respond Answers

Expand your knowledge by exploring the Read & Respond answers related to the topic of our Subject:

Q1 there is no energy in deep space.
  1. there is no energy in deep space.
  2. there is no light to see it in deep space.
  3. there are no molecules to carry it in deep space.
  4. there is no heat in deep space.
Q2 In which detail from the passage does the author transition from describing a concept to using an example to illustrate it?
  1. “This creates a wave.”
  2. “Picture holding the ends of a slinky between two hands.”
  3. “Ears can detect the vibrations, which the brain processes as sound.”
  4. “When something vibrates, molecules are compressed, or squeezed together.”
Q3 Which detail from the passage best explains why a friend’s voice might sound muffled if she calls to you through a closed door?
  1. A“They create sounds and, based on the echoes, they can determine where things are in space.”
  2. B“In some cases, some might also be reflected off the surface and bounce back.”
  3. C“That’s called echolocation.”
  4. D“Some of it might be absorbed into the substance.”
Q4 Which of the following is the best topic sentence for this passage?
  1. Sound moves in waves through a medium.
  2. A guitar is a musical instrument that has strings.
  3. There are three main components of the human ear.
  4. We can perceive sound with our senses.
Q5According to this passage, how does air help a person speak?
  1. Air from the lungs makes the vocal cords vibrate.
  2. Air keeps the vocal cords from touching.
  3. Air carries sound from the throat to the lungs.
  4. Air moves the larynx up when a person breathes out.
Q6Based on this passage, which of the following is an accurate summary of how people hear sounds?
  1. A sound is passed from the outer ear to the middle ear and then to the inner ear as a vibration. In the inner ear, the vibration causes a series of movements ending in fluid motion that triggers a nerve to carry a message to the brain.
  2. A sound is collected by the ear drum and sent to the cochlea where it is converted into a nerve signal. Fluid carries that signal to the brain.
  3. A sound is collected by the outer ear and sent to the cochlea as a nerve signal. The signal is processed by fluid in the cochlea as the sound a person hears.
  4. A sound is passed from the inner ear to the middle ear and then to the outer ear, where the eardrum vibrates. This vibration triggers the brain to send a signal to a nerve.
Q7Based on this passage, what is the relationship between a vibration and the frequency of a sound wave?
  1. the faster the vibration, the lower the frequency of the sound wave
  2. When it’s night time, your part of the Earth is facing away from the sun.
  3. the faster the vibration, the higher the frequency of the sound wave
  4. the longer the vibration lasts, the shorter the frequency of the sound wave

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Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kelly is an experienced educator with a passion for empowering students to achieve academic success. With over 12 years of teaching experience, Jennifer has worked with students at all levels, ranging from elementary to high school. Her dedication to helping students excel in their studies led her to create the educational blog Answer Mentor.


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