Vertebrates Flocabulary Quiz Answers | FREE Access

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Vertebrates Flocabulary Quiz Answers Key

Q1 Which of these do all vertebrates have?
  1. a backbone
  2. scales
  3. lungs
  4. hair
Q2 Snakes, crocodiles and turtles are examples of
  1. invertebrates.
  2. amphibians.
  3. mammals.
  4. reptiles.
Q3 An animal that is born in the water and then grows lungs is most likely a(n)
  1. fish.
  2. bird.
  3. mammal.
  4. amphibian.
Q4 Fish and reptiles share which of these traits?
  1. They live in water.
  2. They are cold-blooded.
  3. They do not have scales.
  4. They do not have backbones.
Q5 An animal might be a mammal if it
  1. breathes with gills.
  2. is cold-blooded.
  3. has fur or hair.
  4. has scales.
Q6 Which of these lists contains only mammals?
  1. kangaroo, crocodile, sparrow
  2. platypus, cow, human
  3. shark, whale, turtle
  4. frog, penguin, bat
Q7 Birds have which of these traits?
  1. They lack lungs.
  2. They have wings.
  3. They birth live young.
  4. They are cold-blooded.
Q8 True or False: There are about the same number of vertebrate species as invertebrates.
  1. True
  2. False
Q9 A cold-blooded animal is unable to
  1. breathe air with lungs.
  2. lay eggs to reproduce.
  3. cool itself when the environment is hot.
  4. consume and digest food to have energy.
Q10 Which two groups of vertebrates are warm-blooded?
  1. birds and fish
  2. reptiles and fish
  3. mammals and birds
  4. amphibians and fish

Vertebrates Flocabulary Read & Respond Answers

Expand your knowledge by exploring the Read & Respond answers related to the topic of our Subject:

Q1 Which of these is an example of an invertebrate?
  1. an oak tree, which is a kind of plant
  2. a mushroom, which is a kind of fungus
  3. a bat, which is an animal with a backbone
  4. a snail, which is an animal without a backbone
Q2 Which of these is not true of all vertebrates?
  1. They are mammals.
  2. They have a backbone.
  3. Their phylum is chordata.
  4. They have gills in their development.
Q3 Stingrays are fish with no bones. They are related to sharks. Stingrays are
  1. bony fish.
  2. mammals.
  3. jawless fish.
  4. cartilaginous fish.
Q4 Based on the passage, what is a tadpole?
  1. a stage in a frog’s life cycle
  2. an animal with legs that lives on land
  3. a big change that some animals undergo
  4. an animal that looks like an amphibian but is not
Q5 Which of these animals is not a reptile?
  1. a legless animal with a flexible jaw
  2. a cold-blooded vertebrate with scales
  3. a relative of the lizard that swallows food whole
  4. an animal that breathes underwater and lives in the ocean
Q6 Based on this passage, sparrows and ostriches both
  1. can fly.
  2. are extinct.
  3. have wings.
  4. are penguins.
Q7 A platypus is a mammal even though it
  1. breathes through gills, not lungs.
  2. does not give birth to live young.
  3. never has fur or hair.
  4. is cold-blooded.

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Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kelly is an experienced educator with a passion for empowering students to achieve academic success. With over 12 years of teaching experience, Jennifer has worked with students at all levels, ranging from elementary to high school. Her dedication to helping students excel in their studies led her to create the educational blog Answer Mentor.


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