Katherine Johnson & the Human Computers Flocabulary Answer Key | FREE Access

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Katherine Johnson & the Human Computers Flocabulary Quiz Answers Key

Q1 Which of the following best describes the attitude toward girls at the time Katherine Johnson was born?
  1. Girls weren’t valued for their intellectual abilities.
  2. Girls were considered equal to boys in every way.
  3. Girls were highly valued for their contributions to math and science.
  4. Girls were given more opportunities than boys.
Q2 Under segregation laws, African-American people were
  1. required to enlist as soldiers to fight in the war.
  2. separated from white people and treated poorly.
  3. encouraged to work with white people.
  4. asked to give their jobs to women.
Q3 What milestone Katherine Johnson reach at age 15?
  1. She calculated her first rocket trajectory.
  2. She began working at NASA.
  3. She began college.
  4. She began high school.
Q4 The human computers at NASA were
  1. young children with strong math skills.
  2. electronic machines made of metal and wires.
  3. women who did calculations with numbers.
  4. rockets that orbited Earth.
Q5 Which of the following best describes the organization of black and white human computers at NASA in the 1950s?
  1. Black and white computers all worked and ate meals together.
  2. Black computers were forced to use separate workspaces, bathrooms and cafeterias than white computers.
  3. White computers were the black computers’ bosses, and black computers did projects for them.
  4. Black computers were the white computers’ bosses, and white computers did projects for them.
Q6 How did Katherine Johnson respond when it seemed that certain meetings at NASA were only for men?
  1. She accepted that the meetings were only for men and didn’t ask to attend.
  2. She created special meetings that were only for women.
  3. She brought NASA to court and won the right for women to attend all meetings.
  4. She asked if there was a law against women attending and then attended the meetings.
Q7 By 1958, America was involved in a race with the Soviet Union to
  1. desegregate workplaces.
  2. explore outer space.
  3. develop new medical procedures for injured soldiers.
  4. build the smallest electronic computer.
Q8 The trajectory of a rocket is the
  1. amount of fuel it needs.
  2. path it takes.
  3. astronaut who flies in it.
  4. computer inside it.
Q9 In which of the following space missions did Katherine Johnson play a role?
  1. Alan Shepard’s first flight into space
  2. John Glenn’s first orbit of the Earth
  3. Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11 mission to the moon
  4. all of the above
Q10 What did John Glenn ask Katherine Johnson to do before he orbited the Earth?
  1. calculate his trajectory instead of having an electronic computer do it
  2. fly with him in the spacecraft around the Earth
  3. double check the original calculations that had been done by an electronic computer
  4. teach him how to calculate trajectories

Katherine Johnson & the Human Computers Flocabulary Read & Respond Answers

Expand your knowledge by exploring the Read & Respond answers related to the topic of our Subject:

Q1 According to the passage, what is one challenge Johnson faced as a child?
  1. She had difficulty understanding math concepts.
  2. Her father didn’t support her interest in mathematics.
  3. In her hometown, African Americans were not allowed to complete their education.
  4. There were no elementary schools in her hometown of White Sulphur Springs, WV.
Q2 Based on the passage, what is true about Johnson’s life after college?
  1. She got a job working as a research mathematician.
  2. She was not immediately able to pursue the career she most wanted.
  3. She began teaching at West Virginia State University.
  4. She started developing new theories about the geometry of space.
Q3 Which statement best expresses the central idea of the passage?
  1. NASA started out as the organization NACA, which was founded to do flight research.
  2. NACA was founded in 1915 to help the US keep up with other countries in flight technology.
  3. Many people are familiar with the organization NASA.
  4. The organizations NASA and NACA have similar names.
Q4 Which of the following best describes a computer at NACA in 1935?
  1. a man using information to design a flight test
  2. a woman doing precise calculations by hand
  3. an electronic machine that performed precise calculations
  4. a very high-level job that paid more than an engineering job
Q5 Based on the passage, before 1941, the American workforce was made up mostly of
  1. presidents.
  2. white women.
  3. black women.
  4. men.
Q6 Which statement best expresses the central idea of the passage?
  1. Black and white people were segregated at NACA, as they were in other parts of the US.
  2. There was more segregation at NACA than there was in other parts of the US.
  3. NACA constructed cheap housing for some of its employees.
  4. Black computers and white computers ate in separate cafeterias at NACA.
Q7 What is the meaning of the word “inquisitive” in the passage above?
  1. highly skilled at math
  2. wanting to know more
  3. eager to work more
  4. frequently relied upon
Q8 What is the meaning of the word “launched” in the passage above?
  1. caused someone to be successful
  2. made something available for the first time
  3. sent into the air, water or outer space
  4. threw in a forceful way
Q9 What is the main purpose of the second paragraph of the passage?
  1. to explain where the Freedom 7 was located at many points during its flight
  2. to explain how Johnson calculated the path of the Freedom 7 capsule
  3. to define the word “parabola”
  4. to argue that working backwards is a good strategy for solving problems
Q10 Which statement would the author of the passage most likely agree with?
  1. Neil Armstrong did not value Johnson’s abilities as much as John Glenn did.
  2. Johnson was faster and better at calculating than electronic computers were.
  3. Space research is now too complex for humans to work on.
  4. Johnson made important contributions to John Glenn and Neil Armstrong’s space missions.
Q11 What is the meaning of the underlined phrase in the passage above?
  1. become unable to be seen
  2. stop being of interest to many people
  3. become difficult to understand
  4. achieve great things and win awards

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Jennifer Kelly
Jennifer Kellyhttps://answersmentor.com
Jennifer Kelly is an experienced educator with a passion for empowering students to achieve academic success. With over 12 years of teaching experience, Jennifer has worked with students at all levels, ranging from elementary to high school. Her dedication to helping students excel in their studies led her to create the educational blog Answer Mentor.


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